ISO Certificates

The company is ISO 9001:2015 and ISO 14001:2015 certified for all its activities as listed below in the corresponding certificate.

Within the framework of the Quality System and the broader quality policy, Optis S.A.:

  • systematically studies technological developments on issues related to the needs of its customers
  • chooses suppliers with internationally recognized product quality
  • ensures the necessary human potential and the necessary logistics infrastructure
  • systematically train its staff on matters of their competence and urges the establishment of “Spiritual Quality”
  • designs, adopts and monitors the implementation of a system of indicators and targets for quality and performance with the ultimate goal of optimizing control and optimization of service processes
  • monitors the correct implementation of Quality Management Procedures and Procedures
  • has established an environmental management system
ISO en
ISO 14001 en

Education - Certification:

Optis S.A. has an organized education / certification system for its staff, in order to gain specialization but also knowledge of general technological interest.

Personnel training is a continuous process that takes place either in-house or in organized training centers in the private and public sectors.

The specialized subjects of the training include mainly application development technologies, operating system technologies and databases, computing technologies of different manufacturers (servers, storage, newtork, etc.) as well as technologies and methods for implementing complex infrastructure projects. The topics of general interest include items such as Quality Assurance Systems, Business Action, Project Management, etc.

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